Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Jamaica Travel Guide and Travel Information Essay

Jamaica Travel Guide and Travel Information - Essay Example The Jamaicans are very hospitable and friendly. Jamaica’s main cities are Kingston, its capital, Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, Negril and Port Antonio (Mapsofworld, par.2). Getting around Jamaica is not a problem. There are several means of transportation for tourists such as riding a bike, scooter, bus, taxi or renting a car. Ferries and boats are available to take one to the various islands around Jamaica. For tourists interested in historical sites and botanical gardens, Kingston is the place to visit. Its major attraction is the Port Royal which used to be the home of sea pirates and Buccaneers. Other famous attractions of the city are the Castleton gardens, the Rockford Mineral Bath, National Art Gallery, and the Bob Marley museum which archives the life and times of the famous reggae legend (Mapsofworld, par.3). Historical sites though are not the unique selling point of Jamaica. Its beaches are its main attractions. If one wants to have a taste of the sun and sand of the island, there is a myriad of choices. In the Kingston area, there is the Lime Cay which is a small island off the coast of Port Royal, which is best for sunbathing and water sports. The Turtle Beach and the Mallard Beach are two of the more popular beaches in the city of Ocho Rios. Accommodations are not hard to find in that there are an array of hotels along the beach where one can choose to stay. And if one is an avid fan of James Bond movies, then one should not miss going to the James Bond Beach which is where the GoldenEye Hotel is located (IIWINC, par.3). The hotel is the former residence of Ian Fleming, the James Bond writer. Another amazing beach is the Dunn’s River Beach which is located under the famous Dunn’s River Waterfalls.  Ã‚  

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