Saturday, August 31, 2019

Study Habits

Sometimes a purely quantitative matter, while having the findings of lengthy, comprehensive research published by a recognized journal is also a notable academic achievement (Ansari 1983 ). When students get admission in a university, they have no idea about studies requirement. Most of them have old patterns of seeking knowledge at the beginning, they apply the same old techniques but after some time they realize that old techniques are no more effective. Gradually they started developing mature study style. Some students, when enter the higher education institution, feel free themselves from all the worries of studies which affect their studies negatively. Even they get failed in their tests or exams and there are some other poor study habits which affect the achievement of the students. These are as follow: This is a very common mistake which is made by students, and also most unavoidable from the side of students. When students enter, especially in the universities, they think of themselves free from every duty of studies. When students leave their classes, due to this, their study habits are also affected. They get used to it and lose their positions. If they want to succeed in their life, they should be punctual in their studies, attend all lectures which the teacher delivers in the class. Hostel is a place where usually travelers and students live in a supervised environment. Mostly hostels are used by the students, who come from distant places to earn their degrees. Hostel life has a great impact on the academic achievement of the students. Some students gain knowledge in proper manner but some do not. The reason is that some students do not feel comfortable in hostels and get home sick. On the other side, those students who are day scholars, they also have some problems. Some have home conflicts and other factors which influence their academic achievements. Because of these problems, they can never be able to achieve good results in their academics. Sometimes students those are living in hostels face many difficulties due to economic hardships or home sickness but still work hard and achieve good grade and sometime they deviate due to lack of proper supervision and guidance so in the case of day scholars. Present study is design to explore this mystery that whether day scholar’s students have good study habits and higher academic achievement or hostel living students have more effective study habits and higher academic achievements Statement of the Problem The problem under investigation was to explore the relationship between study habits

Friday, August 30, 2019

Descarte’s Causal Argument

Descartes casts everything into doubt in the first meditation, including God Himself. He then comes to this disproval of this theory therefore concluding that God exists. This is brought about through the causal argument. Desartes begins this argument with the causal principle. This principle states that there must be at least as much reality in the effcient and total cause as in the effect of the cause. Therefore a cause is essential for an effect, meaning that a cause must have as much reality as an effect if not more. Descartes then applies this principle to ideas.He establishes 2 realities; formal reality and objective reality. Formal reality refers to that what makes an object, what the object is made of. Formal realities can be any of the hierarchy of being- infinite substance, finite substance and mode. For instance the formal reality of a bag is finite, thus a bag is a finite substance. Objective reality refers to ideas only. It is therefore the formal reality of the thing re presenting the idea. Lets take â€Å" the idea of a bag†. All ideas have the formal reality of a mode therefore its formal reality is that of a mode.On the other hand, the objective reality of â€Å"the idea of a bag† is a finite substance. This is because a bag in itself is a finite substance and because it is an idea, its objective reality is finite. Hence it maybe understood that only ideas of things can have objective realities; a bag (for example) in itself can only have a formal reality while the idea of a bag (for example) can have both formal reality and objective. Descartes henceforth distinguishes between formal and objective realities as previously stated. This then leads Descartes to put the causal principle and ideas together, establishing causal principle ideas.Descartes asks if the cause of the idea of something can be a mode. As stated above, the cause of an effect must have more reality that the effect itself. An idea of something has the formal realit y of a mode yet the objective reality of the â€Å"something†. Thus, if the example of the bag is used, the idea of a bag has the objective reality of a finite substance. So taking the causal principle into perspective, the cause of this idea must be either a finite substance or an infinite substance because the cause must have the same or a higher reality. If we then ask the question â€Å"can the cause of the idea of a bag be a mode?†The answer would be no. The reason being that the idea of a bag has an objective reality of a finite substance so the cause must indeed be finite or infinite. The essence of the Causal Argument is then discussed after all this was established. Descartes brings up the idea of God and questions it. He had put even God into doubt in Meditation 1 and this argument is resurfaced in Meditation 3. â€Å"The idea of God† , as every idea, has the formal reality of a mode yet its objective reality is unique. It has the objective reality of an infinite substance.An infinite substance in itself refers to God. Due to these facts, Descartes himself, or any human for that matter, cannot be the cause of such an idea because they are finite substances which has less reality than an infinite substance. Hence, Descartes concludes that only God Himself can be the cause of the idea of God because an infinite substance is the only possible cause to an idea of the objective reality of an infinite substance. This is Descartes proof of the existence of God. Through further reference to Descartes’ first meditation, this eliminates any doubts of God.Descartes states that whatever is clearly and distinctly perceived is true and God is good. Hence, the evil demon theory in the first meditation is eliminated. If God is good then we cannot be being deceived by an evil demon because God would not let us be deceived like that. Through â€Å"whatever is clearly and distinctly perceived is true†, we understand that we are not dr eaming, we are existing and living. Descartes builds the rest of his meditations on this. Before everything was cast into doubt, now the truths are being revealed through these foundations.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


DEHYDRATION Dehydration: Axia College SCI 241 Dehydration: How does it affect the Body? Primarily, water is essential to health maintenance because water is a imperative nutrient within the body. Water is needed for the body to carry out its many functions. The body consists of mainly water, which is why once our bodies are depleted of water, it is unfavorable for our health. Water moves inside the body by osmosis that carries up or down a concentration gradient, which is dependent on where the water is needed and where there needs to be a reduction if there is an too high of an amount of water. Water also helps aid with the function of many systems in body such as the digestive system, the lymphatic system, and the nervous system. In addition, water, in its many forms contributes to a number of functions in the human body. For instance, water is basically saliva that is used in the mouth and in the blood, which is comprised mostly of water, it â€Å"? ows through our bodies, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells and returning waste products to the lungs and kidneys for excretion† (Grosvenor and Smolin, 2006, p. 283). Water also aids the body by producing sweat and â€Å"[regulating] body temperature by increasing or decreasing the amount of heat lost at the surface of the body† (Grosvenor and Smolin, 2006, p. 283). Sweat cools the body by producing water to lose heat in the body. Water also aids in digestive and excretory functioning. We lose a lot of water through the digestive system because it aids in breaking down the foods we eat and we lose a lot of water through urine and feces. Furthermore, when the body does not get the water it needs, it dehydrates. Dehydration can occur through sweating when someone is exercising and they have lost too much water. Dehydration leads to fatigue, vomiting, and feeling ill. Severe dehydration is a dangerous situation that can threaten one’s health. When people are severely dehydrated, they should seek immediate medical attention because dehydration can make the body go into shock and eventually lead to a fatality. The fatality would most likely be due to heart failure, because the heart is an important organ that needs water to survive, just like the rest of the body. Inadequate water also affects the heart because a lack of water increases the blood volume and the blood becomes dense, which places stress on the functioning of the heart. The pressure on the heart affects the supply of nutrients and oxygen that are transported to the cells in the body to perform their daily functions. Besides heart failure, water depletion creates many health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, asthma, pain in the joints and muscles, back pain, migraine headaches, and diabetes. These illnesses would occur because a lack of water causes a disruption in cell functions in the body. Also, dehydration affects our energy levels and how much we are able to grasp the processes that are occurring in our brain. Without sufficient amounts of water, we are unable to focus and will experience a collapse in concentration and judgment. Different electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and chloride are similar because they provide different important functions for the body. Sodium and potassium ions are nerve conductors that help stimulate muscle contractions by generating electrical charges across the nerve cell membrane. Sodium is a positive ion located outside the cell membrane. Sodium travels back and forth entering and exiting cells, regulating water in the body. Sodium aids by generating electrical currents to parts of the brain, nerves, and muscles. Potassium is another positive ion, but unlike sodium, it is located inside cell membrane. Potassium helps in body functioning by monitoring the heart and aiding muscle functioning. Chloride is negatively charged particle known as an anion, which is located within cells. Chloride generally combines with other elements to create different products. For instance, chloride combines with sodium to create NaCl, also known as table salt. Too much salt has been indicated as major contributor to high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. The electrolytes sodium, potassium, and chloride, are all different because depletion or an excessive amount lead to different diseases or malfunctions in the body. According to Grosvenor and Smolin (2006), sodium, chloride, and potassium depletion can occur with heavy and persistent sweating, chronic diarrhea or vomiting, and kidney disorders that lead to excessive excretion. For instance, sodium inadequacy can lead to problems in cell function and potassium imbalances lead to irregularities in heart activity and impairment of the nervous system. Low or high levels of chloride can also produce nausea and kidney disease. Moreover, there are a plethora of foods and drinks that can affect hydration levels in the body. Two liquids that affect hydration levels are alcohol and caffeine. The consumption of both caffeine and alcohol promotes water loss in the body. In caffeinated beverages, high doses of caffeine create water loss â€Å"partly to increased blood flow to the kidneys and partly to reduced reabsorption of sodium by the body† (Hamilton, n. d). Also, alcohol reduces hydration â€Å"by depressing production of the antidiuretic hormone called vasopressin, which acts on the kidneys, concentrating the urine by promoting the reabsorption of water and salt into the body (Hamilton, n. ). Hamilton (n. d) suggests that Vasopressin aids in fluid stability within the body and an interruption in its function leads to decreased urine levels, which may be a contributor to dehydration in the body. Consequentially, water loss that is produced by alcohol may also contribute to the loss of other essential nutrients and minerals that are used for nerve and muscle sustainment. To avoid dehydration from alcohol and caffeine, more water should be consumed that will balance the amounts of alcohol or caffeine with the amount of water that is in the body. Ultimately, to avoid dehydration, people need to make sure that enough water is consumed as a daily part of their diet. It is easy to lose water from sweating or urinating too much, but replenishing water loss is vital for water balance in the body. A popular recommendation for getting enough water in the diet is to consume at least 8 glasses of water every day. Also, it is important for people to drink plenty of water if they are doing strenuous activity or exercising in extreme weather conditions. Also, we have to make sure that we are dressed appropriately for the weather. For instance, in summer, to avoid dehydration in extreme heat, we have to wear loose fitting clothes. Also, it is best to avoid the sun as much as possible if it is hot, but if someone does decide to stay outside in the heat, it is best to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. In essence, water is the fabric of life. It is given to us in plentiful amounts, but it should not be wasted. It is 60% of the human body and without it, we would cease to exist. The best method to make health an utmost priority is to consume the recommended amount of water and eat a healthy and nutritious diet that will compliment a healthy lifestyle. Water is not a gift, it is a right. Remember to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and to give the body the most important nutrient that it needs for survival. References Grosvenor, M. B. , & Smolin, L. A. (2006). Nutrition: Everyday choices. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hamilton, A. (n. d). Caffeine dehydration: Caffeine and alcohol – just how dehydrating are they? Retrieved December 7, 2008 from http://www. pponline. co. uk/encyc/caffeine-dehydration. htm

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Peer Reviewed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Peer Reviewed - Essay Example an be used in credentialing organizations, ensuring quality health care and how it helps nurses acquire jobs in organizations such as Cancer Treatment Centers of America. When in the world of research, many articles are written and the way that they are clarified is through peer review. This is the process by which people of similar understanding in the same field evaluate the work done by their colleague before it is published. This is a form of self-regulation of research and studies in designated fields to maintain standards of quality, increase performance and grant credibility within the said field. Once the peer review process is complete, the reviewed material is then published or deemed worthy of teaching, presenting or enacting. This paper will thus look at the peer review process implemented at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, compare it with that at American Academy of Nurse, and suggest improvements or changes. It will also identify the ways in which the process is used in the credentialing organizations, ensuring quality and improve advances in practice. To begin with, we will look at the Cancer Treatment Center of America. The Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) are a private for-profit institution that builds hospitals that are dedicated to the treatment of cancer and provides outpatient clinics in which patients can receive both traditional and complimentary alternative medicine treatments (Kent, 2014). With a head office in Schaumburg, Illinois, it has five fully-fledged hospitals around the United States in Illinois, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia. It also has an outpatient oncology clinic located in Seattle, Washington. Having been founded by Richard J Stephenson in the late 1980s after losing his mother to cancer, the organization has been helping patients fight cancer using advanced technology and a personalized approach offering comprehensive cancer care in all its hospitals. Being an organization that is

Write an evaluation of a published macroeconomic forecast Essay

Write an evaluation of a published macroeconomic forecast - Essay Example This means that there is continuous growth in future, which is brought by the banks’ new advances made on the credits extended to customers. In the next quarter the economy is expected to perform even much better. Another contributor to the economic growth is the housing for the last more than 5 months, sales of real estates hasbeen evident. This is backed by the new modern homes that have been constructed and some which are still under construction. For example, CoreLogic Home Price Index rose by 1.1% in a year. This is according to chapter three of the (economic forecast publication r April 2014). In comparison, the housing construction and sales vary by 9%, construction rate being higher than the sales. This is a growth indicator. Manufacturing and processing sectors have added wonderful growth indicators to the economic growth. The May returns of this year are anticipated to be the highest for the last three years. This follows last years 5% growth, which is highest for the last three years now. Key assumptions here are that: the government does not take care of the borrowers where the cost of loans is very high. The government assumes that there is general growth. They don’t take care of the private sectors and individuals who bear the high cost of economic growth through coast of loans. The second assumption is the policy of selling the homes. It is more beneficial to hold investments than sales, especially real estates. This is in regard to the principle of the investment multiplier concept. The audience of this information is the potential investors, shareholders and the government agencies. Some areas have been exaggerated. Firstly, the sales of assets are lower in long term growth in GDP. Anothe r one is the high cost of loans shifted to borrowers. The borrowers are economically affected. Labor market shows a negative image compared to developments as said earlier in the US economic

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Has Diasporic Media Culture Transformed Hegemonic British Cultures Research Paper

How Has Diasporic Media Culture Transformed Hegemonic British Cultures - Research Paper Example "Paul Gilroy's prolific writings on race, diaspora, and national identity can be traced to an intense critical engagement with "the canon" of British cultural studies." (Durham and Kellner 2006. p. 340). He wanted to have the development of the cultural studies on an ethnohistorical perspective and felt the importance of cultural perspectives in presenting "for the images of their racialised others as objects of knowledge, power, and cultural criticism" (Gilroy 1993. p. 5) Thus, Gilroy makes it clear that "Analysis of the political dimensions to the expressive culture of black communities in Britain must reckon with their position within international networks. It should begin where fragmented diaspora histories of racial subjectivity combine in unforeseen ways with the edifice of British society and create a complex relationship with has evolved through various stages linked in different ways to the pattern of capitalist development itself" (Gilroy 1991. p.157). The contribution of the media in the development of diasporic cultures in the UK cannot, at any stage, be neglected. The boundless dialogue between communities and cultures has been crucial in the development of community relation of the British with the ethnic diasporic communities and the meanings of uniqueness and ethnic individuality. "Diasporic media cultures develop as meditation becomes increasingly central to social and cultural life. Everyday culture has become media culture" (Silverstone 2005). The British culture is very much connected with the diasporic cultures and the contribution of the diasporic media is notable in this regard.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Genetic Counseling--Christian Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genetic Counseling--Christian Perspective - Essay Example Preparations for Hemophila can be life saving for the child (Lehrman, 1998). If the child is cut, the parent does not waste time trying to stop the blood. Counseling after the child is born until they reach adulthood can also be helpful. An early diagnosis helps the parent and child cope with their illness. Abortion is murder, but so is euthanasia. Reputable doctors do not counsel people to commit suicide or perform euthanasia on an ill patient. What makes an unborn baby with an illness that is not even certain different? Genetic testing cannot give 100% yes or no answers. Even if the child has one of the above conditions, genetic testing cannot predict symptoms or severity of the disease (Rutter). No Christian counselor can condone abortion. Under the law, they cannot prevent abortions, but it is a Christian genetic counselor’s duty counsel against termination of pregnancy. A Christian genetic counselor cannot deny Biblical teachings. The Bible states â€Å"thou shalt not kill† (Exodus 20:13, King James Version). To counsel a woman to have an abortion would be under any circumstances wrong. The Christian counselor must reinforce man’s way is not God’s. A child with a genetic defect can be healed by God, but a sick child can also be a blessing. Even if the parents go ahead with the abortion, maybe later in life the parents can be convicted by what the counselor witnesses today. Either way God will bless the counselor for relying on His

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Financial statement presentation and disclosures Essay

Financial statement presentation and disclosures - Essay Example The financial deals and agreements will have a positive material effect on the company. They will be not presented in the balance sheet because they do not affect the borrowing capacity and these activities hide a certain amount of liability. Variable-Interest Entities: It is a concept which is introduced in the US Financial Accounting Standards in FIN 46 which refers to the entity (investee) in which the investors holds a certain amount of controlling interests which is not based on majority of the voting rights. It is almost synonymous to the concept of the special purpose entity. It is subject to the consolidation of certain financial conditions related to the variable interests. It is the primary beneficiary of the 7E which is defined as the person with a company with a majority of variable interest (Madura, 2007). Non controlling Interest: Non controlling interest refers to the ownership stake in a corporation in which the required position gives the investor the chance to under stand the way the company operates. Majority of the positions held by the investors are deemed to be non controlling interests because their ownership stake is very much insignificant relative to the total outstanding shares. Disclosure: Off balance sheet transactions, Variable-Interest Entities, and Non controlling Interest Off balance sheet transactions: The Company engages in varied financial transactions which should comply with the US GAAP principles that are not recorded in the company financial statements. These financial transactions involve the varying degrees, credit, interest rate, elements of credit and liquidity risk. These transactions are used to manage the request of customers in the form of funding, letters of credit and loan commitments. Firstly, to know what are the elements in the off balance sheet transactions, critically analyze them and their arrangements. Secondly, to assess the likelihood of the occurrences of an unknown trend, commitment, demand and any eve nt or uncertainty that could affect the off balance sheet arrangement and thirdly, the assessment would be required to conclude about the management trend. This would help in assessment of the uncertainty of the variables and would also help in arrangement of the off balance sheet elements and variables. The following items are necessary for the disclosure of certain items like: The nature and the business purpose if the company’s off balance sheet arrangement for the variables (Groppelli & Nikbakht, 2006). The importance of the company’s off balance sheet arrangement of the variables with respect to the liquidity, capital resources, credit risk, market risk and the support of some benefits (Hall, 2007). The amount and nature of the interests retained, issues securities other form of indebtedness that is incurred by the company in connection with the arrangements The amount and nature of any amount of obligation or liabilities of the company that arise out of the arran gements that are likely to become material Any known event, demand , uncertainty that will result in the termination of or reduction of material benefits that the company has proposed Variable-Interest Entities The variable entity model does not apply because the enterprise is being evaluated or consolidated for the traditional operating entity. As per the Accounting Standards Codifications

Saturday, August 24, 2019

E-Commerce and Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

E-Commerce and - Essay Example "All too often, many of us go to the dealer with the idea that we'll get the best deal for our money, only to be tricked and manipulated into paying more or buying a model that we don't want. In tact, African Americans consistently overpay--an average of $315 more than other car purchasers--according to a study done of 750,000 actual purchases in 1999 and early 2000 by the National Bureau of Economic Research" (Jackson, Car Buying 101: Buying a New Car in a Few Simple Steps, 2004: 195). The above mentioned statement automatically shows the importance of a website that provides a service through which a customer would buy a car that he/she wants and that with the terms decided, and there when the importance of is identified, includes all the data on the new and used cars, from features to the prices of cars, from test drive videos to the tips to maintain such cars, almost every thing appears on the website, including the ways through which "you" can become car's owner, it includes ownership plans, the leasing and all useful material. Few good features of the company include the information through the wireless, the site know as Edmunds2Go!, which is accesible through the PDAs and internet enabled cell phones, another benefit the visitors get is that the company circulates free email newsletters to its voluntary subscribers, another most thrilling feature that is used by the in the most impressive way is its true market value pricing tools, actually launched in the year 2000, "The True Market Value New Vehicle Calculator provides the estimated average price consumers are currently paying when buying new vehicles. The True Market Value Used Vehicle Appraiser estimates the actual transaction prices for used vehicles bought and sold by dealers and private parties" ( from Wikipedia, free encyclopedia). So it is the best what company can provide with in its limit to the visitors, the best outcome of launching such tool is that, people from all around the world now log in to find the actual prices of cars all around the world, it is perhaps the best service an automotive website can provide, it is considered to be the most innovative idea by the web operators to bring such a change in the website, the other such online services and tools include TMV new vehicle calculator which estimates the price that the buyers are paying to the dealer for the ownership of new vehicles, TMV finance rate estimator which gives the idea of how much of loan can be obtained and what is in relation to it and the ownership of car, has another feature added recently which shows how much it would cost if the buyer would buy a car in full terms ownership, it is known as True Cost to Own SM data. The company has offered services not only

Friday, August 23, 2019

COMUNNICATION PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

COMUNNICATION PAPER - Essay Example The paper seeks to identify the practical significance of the concepts of Problem Solving, Group Decision Making, Group Conflict, and Leadership that relate to Group activities and how members embody them in their actions. Class Concepts Group A’s task was primarily concerned with engaging in research work pertaining to abuse arising from human trafficking. In order to build relationships and bonds to facilitate this research, Group A scheduled a meeting on the 10th of October. The purpose of this meeting was to familiarize the members with each other and draft a plan of action, so as to delegate specifics to the relevant members of the group which in effect would cause them to present their own input towards the goal, thereby dividing the workload between them. In the meeting, the class concepts of Problem Solving, Group Decision Making, Group Conflict, and Leadership came into play. Problem Solving Problem Solving is the process that centers on accomplishing the group task, which is the primary motive of forming the group. Hirokawa discovered that successful groups tend to start the process of task accomplishment by analyzing it at the outset instead of directly jumping into offering solutions. A similar process was initiated by Group A, as at the very outset, the members were called upon to present their own ideas into the discussion on the subject of human trafficking. In the ongoing analysis of the research topic, the members shared 6 ideas which were to contribute towards effective research on the subject of abuse related to human trafficking. This was the first step towards Problem Solving that the group engaged in, and it formalized a conduct which would further allow these 6 ideas to be filtered into tasks which can then be dedicated to members of the Group. These 6 ideas were then formulated as 5 topics that were to be delegated to each member of the group. This allowed each member to be assigned a specific task that pertains to the research wo rk scheduled to be presented at the next meeting. Each topic was to be agreed upon by the respective member so that no topic was enforced upon anyone and there was general consensus on the delegated work. Lauren, a member of the Group who was absent at the meeting, was also communicated his respective topic and given the choice of agreeing or disagreeing to work on it. This conduct allowed each member to enjoy personal autonomy in decision making. By separating topics in this way, the emphasis was on solution multiplicity as each member would then present their own solution to the problem. This paved way for multiple solutions to the same problem. Group Decision Making Communication within the Group is an essential part of Problem Solving, and is largely characterized by Group Decision Making. Group Decision Making is important when building relationships and is in some part dependant on group size. A group of 20 people, for example, designed to produce a written report can be consi dered overcrowded and might lead to feelings of insignificance and lack of acknowledgement amongst individual members who may not be actively involved in the project. Such people are often referred to as social loafers (Comer, n. p.). Thus, adequate size is important for efficiency. In

Thursday, August 22, 2019

African American Experience Essay Example for Free

African American Experience Essay After the civil war many African Americans thought things would be different, that it would be a new beginning for them. They did gain freedom because many amendments were past so they could gain freedom. Whites didn’t like this though so they passed their own laws to prohibit these amendments and restrict their freedom. The African American experience did not get better after the civil war it actually got worse. The African American experience did not get better because the KKK was still harassing African Americans like they were before the civil war. Then black codes were passed that restricted the freedom of African Americans and then they passed poll tax because they didn’t want African Americans to vote. Another event that happened was the Tulsa race riots that destroyed the town of Greenwood and killed many African Americans. Many people believe that the African American experience got better; however, I have a different opinion. They like to argue that African Americans can vote now, but they passed the grandfather clause and poll tax. That basically made it impossible for African Americans to vote. Or they said that slavery is over so it has improved, but when they passed the black codes they were basically making them slaves again. Overall the African American experience did not improve only worsened after the civil war. The African American experience did not get better because the KKK was still harassing African Americans like they were before the civil war. Then black codes were passed that restricted the freedom of African Americans and then they passed poll tax because they didn’t want African Americans to vote. Another event that happened was the Tulsa race riots that destroyed the town of Greenwood and killed many African Americans. Many people believe that the African American experience got better; however, I have a different opinion. They like to argue that African Americans can vote now, but they passed the grandfather clause and poll tax. That basically made it impossible for African Americans to vote. Or they said that slavery is over so it has improved, but when they passed the black codes they were basically making them slaves again. Overall the African American experience did not improve only worsened after the civil war.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gender Socialization Interview Essay Example for Free

Gender Socialization Interview Essay The family is the most essential ingredient in the making of a person. How one socializes to the society with regards to his/her gender is directly pointed to the responsibility of the family. The very basic foundation to a person’s character and how they behave with regards to their roles in the society and in family is the responsibility of the people around him/ her in the four corners of their homes where their young minds are being inculcated with such values or behavior that they should follow or they should take responsibility with. Most sociologists believe that the family is the best institution to instill in a child the attitudes and behavior patterns necessary o become a successful adult. Traditionally, parents are responsible for their children’s religious or ethical training and for providing basic knowledge of their society. Ordinarily, this largely means presenting basic concepts to the children at home as soon as they can absorb them, and, when they are old enough, enrolling them in educational institutions and having them participate in recreational, civic, and cultural activities. The family is also important in providing various kinds of social control. Its most important role is the regulation and control of character or behavior of the children. To understand gender socialization in the family I have interviewed Czarina. She is a female and is 15 years old. She is the youngest among her two brothers. Her parents work in a real state company and are sometimes not there to attend their special needs and attention especially if they have programs or activities at school. Czarina is already in high school, as a student she is very diligent and really tries her best to do good to make her family proud of her. She sometimes join extracurricular activities due to some factors like, her brothers as well as her parents would not allow her to go home late at night already. She has a curfew of 7:00 pm and failure to comply that will mean a very strong punishment for her. Czarina grew up in a family where traditional gender roles are being reproduced and also practiced. She grew up in a disciplinarian family but not that very strict. They just want her to be responsible in everything she does. Although her parents are sometimes not there to attend to her needs, her brothers are the ones who do it. She was taught that a lady should know all household chores because someday she will become a mother also and it is very essential for her to know all those things. It was also implanted in her mind that ladies should go home early because it is very dangerous and very indecent for a girl to go home very late at night. On other words, Czarina’s world evolved around home, school and even church. Her family sees to it that they all go to church every Sunday, not missing each service in their church. They were so devoted with their faith, which is why her brothers and parents are very strict with her. It has implanted in her mind that is rightful for a family to stay together even though travails or circumstances are present and are inevitable, every woman should be strong for her family not letting any doubt or fear ruin it. Czarina grew up seeing his brothers do so well at school and in their house. Her brothers are so responsible, caring and loving ones; while her parents are working very hard to provide them with what they want. Her brothers taught her not to easily fall in love, and never rush love until the right man and the right time comes. Her parents who are very loving; even though they’re sometimes busy; they always find time to be with them especially on weekends. Through the years, this was what she saw and experience in her daily life. This has become a part of her life already that she also has learned and practice. At school, she is very well respected and looked up to by her classmates and peers. She is very well disciplined and a dignified young lass. She serves as a role model among the young people in their school, being a consistent academic awardee and a good, behaved young lady. I asked her if she is pressured with what her family and friends is expecting of her, she answered me with a nodd. Yes, indeed she is fearful she might break the trust of her peers and especially her family but she knows deep inside her that all those values that have already been implanted in her being will never wither. It helped her become a better individual, through the upbringing of her parents and of course with the help of her two very understanding and disciplinarian brothers. She never regretted to be a part of her family, but on the other hand she felt lucky because not all are given the opportunity to be a good young woman. She said that the family really plays an important role in molding the behavior and character of a person because just like her, if her family didn’t brought her up that way then she would not be what she is right now.

The Impact Of Leadership Styles

The Impact Of Leadership Styles Leadership styles Leaders have their own style, which is fine if they can find a situation that requires that style of leadership. Being able to adapt the leadership style according to the situation and the state of the grope or team are flexible leadership example: taking charge when a team is forming but playing the role of coach when a team is managing itself well. One the fundamental principle of leadership style is to change according to the circumstances such as Situational Leadership (develop by Blanchard and Hersey in the late 1960s). According to Hersey and Blanchard, a leader is concerned with the task to be performed and with building relations with his employees. A leader may focus on work, building a team or building relationship with his or her employees, according to a combination of all these concerns Hersey and Blanchard proposed four leadership styles. Style 1 Indicating high concern for the task and low concern for people. Style 2 Showing High Concern for Task and People. Style 3 Having high concern for people and low for the task. Style 4 Indicating Low Concern for the task and Low Concern for people. According to them all the classified four styles are functional; it is according to their relevance situation that is important. Leadership styles in the situational model can be classified according to the amount of task and relationship behavior the leader engages in. Task related behavior also known as Regulating behavior since a leaders behavior revolves on regulating his or her group members and their task completion, other leaders concentrate on building personal relationship, which is called nurturing behavior. Regulating Behavior A Leader engages in one-way communication , who gives clear instructions of group roles and informs the group members what to do, where to do, and how to do, and closely supervises their activities and performance. Structure, Control, Supervise are the regular behavior of the leaders. Nurturing Behavior A Leader who engages in dual communication he who listens, provides support and encouragement, facilitates, interaction and involves the group in decision making. Praise, Listen, and Facilitate these are the regular behavior of the leaders Source (Pareek, 2007). Transformational versus Transactional leadership Achieving the current objectives efficiently by helping the organization by clarifying the needs and desires of the employee is known as transactional leadership. This type of leadership behavior improves employees performance and satisfaction. The transactional leaders focus on running the organization smoothly and efficiently. The transactional leader creates a clear structure and clear instructions to his or her subordinates regarding their work and rewards subsequently. Punishment is understood since it is not mentioned .The discipline system is usually in place. This type of leadership is a popular approach with the most of the managers. Transformational leadership have the ability to change the vision, strategy and culture of the organization based on personal values, beliefs, and qualities, Transformational leadership enable the followers to become leaders. Transformational leadership go beyond the immediate task that is the functions build the competencies of individuals and group and enable them to achieve targets that the organization or the individual would have not expected to achieve. Transformational leadership change the organizations strategies and culture so they are successful with the surrounding environment, they are the changed agents who show the direction to the employees to a new set of organizational values and behaviors. Empowering, risk taking clarity of mission, team building, equanimity, and evolving trust are few of the characteristics of transformational leaders Source (Theory of Transformational LeadershipRedux, Winter 1995). Transformational versus charismatic leadership Many researches do indicate that the two types of leadership as essentially equivalent, some others theorists say they are distinct and few other scholars say charismatic leadership is an ingredient of transformational leadership or charismatic leadership is the highest degree of transformational leadership. The third group of scholars separate charismatic leadership from transformational leadership. They say charisma is a personal trait referent power over followers, whereas transformational leadership is a set of behaviors that people use to lead the change process. Transformational leadership enables the followers to become leaders. Charismatic leaders are also known as heroic leaders by some of the research; they build allegiance in followers but do not necessarily change the organization. They use the power to serve others, they consider and learn from criticism and also they encourage followers to question leaders view. In many theories the leadership behaviors of charismatic a nd transformational leadership appear to be similar with very few important differences is evident as well. Transformational leaders will be doing lots of work which will make the employees more dependent on the leaders such as developing followers skill and self-confident, giving information to sensitive information and decentralizing the authorities. Transformational leaders at any level in any organization can easily be determined according to Bass since this type of leadership is globally relevant for very situation. Charismatic leaders are more proactive, do more things that creates an image of extraordinary competence for the leaders such as restricting information, risk taking and unconventional behavior. Charismatic leaders are rare, and appear to be more dependent only on favorable conditions in an organization and these leaders are very common for new organizations as visionary entrepreneurs or reformers. Charismatic leaders are usually more extreme Source (House, et al., 1994), (Avolio, et al., 1985). Distinguishing characteristics of charismatic and Non charismatic Leaders Non Charismatic Leaders Charismatic Leaders Likableness Likable leaders have shared perspective Idealized Vision and an honorable hero makes leader liable. Trustworthiness Disinterested advocacy in persuasion attempts. Leaders are passionate advocacy by taking personal risk. Relation to status quo Status quo is being maintained. Change of atmosphere is being created. Future Goals Goals are limited with very few discrepant from status quo. Vision of Idea which is highly discrepant from status quo. Articulation Articulation is weak in goals and motivation to lead. Motivation to lead and articulation of vision is very strong. Competence To achieve goals within framework of existing order with available means. Unconventional means is used to transcend the existing order. Behavior Conventional Unconventional Source: Conger, et al., 1998 Characteristics of Three Styles of Leadership Authoritarian or Autocratic This style is used when leaders take decisions from their position, control of rewards and coercion. The autocratic leaders group performance is almost good since they are characterized by positive feelings. This type of style can be used when you have all the information to solve problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. From the experiments of Lewis et al. it was found that this style resulted in very high level of discontent. Some leaders tend to think of this style as a tool for abusing, using unprofessional language, and leading by threats and abusing their power. This is not the authoritarian style, bossing people around. It has no place in a leaders repertoire. The authoritarian style should only be used occasions Source (Patterns of Aggressive Behavior in Experimentally Created Social Climates, 1939). Participative (Democratic) Democratic leader involve their people (one or more employees) in decision making (determining what to do and how to do it) encourages participation and depends on subordinates respect for influence, this style of leadership partly explains the reason for empowerment of employees. The group members of a democratic leader perform well even when the leader is absent. However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Employees usually like democratic decision making, it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. Democratic leadership however will find it difficult when options differ and it will difficult to arrive at a final decision. By this style is of mutual understanding it allows the employees to become part of the team and allows the leader to make better decisions Source (Field Theory and Experiment in Social Psychology Concepts and Method, 1939). Laissez-faire In this style, the leader has a minimum involvement in decision making; the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is successful when the employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it, and where there is no requirement for a centralized coordination. This is not a style to use so that you can blame others when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used when you fully trust and confidence in the people below you. It was discovered by Lewin et al. that the democratic style was the most effective style of leadership. A good leader uses all three styles, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, the leader, and the situation. Some examples include, using an authoritarian style on a new employee who is just learning the job. The leader is competent and a good coach. The employee is motivated to learn a new skill. The situa tion is a new environment for the employee. The leader knows the problem, but does not have all the information. The employees know their jobs and want to become part of the team. You cannot do everything and the employee needs to take ownership of her job! In addition, this allows you to be at other places, doing other things Source (Pareek, 2007). The Impact of Leadership in Organizations The leadership has the ability to motivate and influence other leaders and the employees to achieve organizational goals through process of change. So are all the leaders are good and effective? Should all the organizations adopt a single approach to leadership? To analysis this leadership there is three types, which are individual leadership, group leadership and organizational leadership. Each of these types of leadership has a tremendous impact on how leaders are classified and viewed. The leadership theories revolve around describing traits of a leader, however, however the modern theories have tried to explain the impact through behavioral approaches. Motivation and process theories were later developed to determine the relationship and affect a leader had on the individual and group within an organization. Training has development has been a prominent development in the world of Organizational Behavior (OB) as organizations sought innovative methods for feedback and to regenerate their culture. This type of practiced has positively affected many organizations, the short-term results of coaching has given insight view of level 3 leadership which has been incorporated by both transactional and transformational leadership styles, however for organizations to achieve prominence and market share in their respective industry further development of leaders to a Level 5 leadership style was required. As the hierarchy in leadership position, power, control and achievement grew with the leaders success, some well known companies such as GE under the leadership of Jack Welch found themselves in the search of true leaders. It will be demonstrated that although such a leader may be detrimental to the organization, narcissistic leaders have also proven vital to the revival of these same organizations. Future planning is very important in the long-term growth of an organization in order to retain and attract the new leaders of tomorrow. Organizations need to be constant in terms of direction and control an effective leader has influenced in the past, and effective planning for the future leaders to continue the successful organization. The ever growing challenges that leaders face in the changing environment and coping with such difficult tasks such as interface management, change management, knowledge management and group dynamics within projects has been a task to balance and overcome. An effective leader increases the positive emotions within their organizations, they choose to do so a clear and compelling vision, but also have deep personal humility and an intense professional will Source (Sturek, 2005). Conclusions Leadership is a complex concept that has clearly demonstrated that developmental style is the most desirable style and it is associated with creation of empowerment, growth, learning, morale and satisfaction on the part of the employees. In Common terms this style creates resonance while the critical climate creates dissonance. In future the leadership programs should concentrate on the developmental style as a desirable style. This results in indicating the potential of all the situations chosen in predicting the leadership style. The style of leadership gets noticed consistently in most of the situation. Leadership style based feedback should perhaps focus on this in future.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

AIDS In Africa :: Disease Research Papers AIDS

AIDS in Africa Spreading rampant throughout the African continent, AIDS is killing any and all who cross its path. â€Å"As the death toll from AIDS recedes in America, Africa is reeling from an epidemic of Biblical proportions. South of the Sahara, AIDS is worse than anywhere else in the world, and this catastrophe is transforming the continent forever† (Schoofs part 5). Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS â€Å"is a virus that weakens the immune system and subjects the patient to opportunistic diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis. The virus is transmitted through the exchange of body fluids, primarily semen, blood, and blood products†¦it can be prevented by having protected sex†¦AIDS is a problem throughout the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa† (DeSalle 238). It is an unbiased killer that threatens the African population. With very little education, parentless children, and cultural and societal beliefs, AIDS continues to run havoc on th e continent of Africa. â€Å"Only 10 percent of the world's population lives south of the Sahara, but the region is home to two-thirds of the world's HIV-positive people, and it has suffered more than 80 percent of all AIDS deaths†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Last year, the combined wars in Africa killed 200,000 people, and in sub-Saharan Africa alone 3.8 million people became infected with the disease while another 2.4 million died; totaling 25.3 million people who are living with AIDS in Africa (Schoofs part 1, Carey). One main reason for the severity of these numbers is due to the lack of education of the African people. With little or no education, people do not truly understand the consequences of unprotected sex and sex with multiple partners. African girls are not sent to school because it is too expensive and most are only going to get married and have children. The males who go to school learn that they are the breadwinners of the family and that they control what goes on in the house. The lack of education poses an astronomical problem in Africa and is the major reason for the spread of AIDS. Since people are uneducated about birth control, they do not use condoms; those who are aware of it either do not have access to condoms or cannot afford them. Without education or access to condoms, AIDS will continue its devastation throughout the African continent. â€Å"In apartheid South Africa, blacks were either not educated at all or taught only enough to be servants.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Chafufas Adventures :: essays research papers

Chafufa’s Adventures   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the year of our lord two thousand and five there happened to be a florist named Chafufa. Chafufa did much of her business on the internet and then she delivered the flowers herself in her jet, car, or boat. Chafufa was always busy day and night; she once made a delivery to Zaire in her jet one morning and another delivery that afternoon in Japan. Chafufa was born of Muff and Luna in a long line of florists. But Chafufa’s birth was peculiar—she was born with a bouquet of flowers in her arms. Also at age nine, in her vast flower gardens that she herself made she got lost and wandered away from her parents and never saw them again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chafufa was loyal to the old florist way of business, â€Å"Do anything to make a delivery† even though she was a New Age florist. One day Chafufa received an emergency flower delivery fax, (E.F.D.F.) for a bouquet of Martian roses to be delivered to the South Pole. For this delivery she would have to use all three of her apparatuses; car, boat, and jet not to mention getting some Martian Roses. Chafufa would first find the roses. Martian roses only grew in soil from Mars; luckily she had a pot of Martian soil in her backyard. Now Chafufa would have to obtain the seeds from a mother mole—the only animal to posses the seeds. Chafufa descended into the abyss to confront the mother mole and get the seeds. Chafufa arrived at the abode of the mother mole, the mother mole knew she was coming and said, â€Å"You shall have your seeds but only if you throw two perfect bulls eyes in a game of darts with me.† Luckily Chafufa was an accomplished dart wom an as well as a florist. Chafufa did one hell of a move and threw two darts at once and made them both in the bull’s eye. The mother mole gave Chafufa the seeds and Chafufa planted them and harvested the Martian roses by the light of a burning raccoon skin so that they would last the trip. She put her car and boat in her jet and traveled to Buenos Aries, Argentina, there she ditched the jet and put her car in her boat and sailed to the coast of Antarctica. At the coast she ditched the boat and continued in her car (which was a Delorian) she sped across the ice flats with the roses in hand but her car ran out of gas about a mile from the South Pole.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Creedence Clearwater and the Vietnam War :: Music Musical History Essays

For those of us born at the end of the Vietnam War, much of the music from that time period can remain hidden unless we make a point of seeking it out. Radio is replete with â€Å"classic rock† format stations, but like all other forms of mass media, listeners are relegated to a passive role, with little means of changing play lists that more-often-than-not overstate the effect of the British Invasion to the detriment of American rockers. For every Led Zeppelin garnering large amounts of airplay, there is a Creedence Clearwater Revival that is overlooked. The problem with British rockers from the era of the Vietnam War is one of credibility: any British musician (such as John Lennon) who tried to protest the Vietnam War sounded contrived at best. How could a British group object to a war in which they had no direct stake? These attempts at protest by foreign bands against the Vietnam War have the appearance of an orchestrated effort to â€Å"get on the bandwagon† and se ll albums by using the charged feelings of the citizenry toward an unpopular military action. While this is a cynical view, it is one that nevertheless deserves consideration. To the persistent individual, though, there is a body of music in existence that merits regard. It is powerful music written by the youth of America, youngsters who did have a stake in the Vietnam War. There can be little question about the origins of the power which American protest music conveyed: those who wrote such music lived each day with the real knowledge that they were losing friends in, and could possibly be forced themselves to go to, Vietnam. One such group, Creedence Clearwater Revival, made its contribution to this genre near the end of the Vietnam War. CCR sprang up in the San Francisco Bay area, the product of a music scene that was rife with talent. Creedence, however, never particularly sounded like that scene; indeed, the early efforts of the band caused many to question the group’s origin, believing that the foursome was a product of the â€Å"bayou regions of Louisiana†1 The musicians who made up the band - John Fogerty, Tom Fogerty, Stu Cook, and Doug Clifford - had been working on their style since the late 1950s under several different monikers. Primarily responsible for the Creedence sound was John Fogerty, the major creative force in the band, with vocals that â€Å"were to Creedence what Jim Morrison’s were to the Doors,†2 and a musical approach Fogerty himself described as a swamp thing:

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Pros and Cons of green technology Essay

Green technology is a term that is being was from the time when Mother Nature started to reflect the consequences of the human’s actions. Since the global population start to grow rapidly, the demand of services and products have grow as well, so the human have to had to think more about how to do a better use of the nonrenewable resources. This problem has carried the continuous development of methods and materials that do not affect the environment. Nowadays expertise, companies and government are working hard on the generation of mechanisms and techniques to avoid and diminish environmental contamination. However, green technology has some disadvantages that do not allow people to afford it, and support more this environmental cause. The origin of the use of green technology start when according to Walsh, Mayor Michael Bloomberg tried to force those drivers to go hybrid before New York City ever had its yellow fleet of gas-guzzling taxis. There was a thriving electric-taxi company at the turn of the 20th century that served the entire metropolis, and green technology was considered something of the future. By that time there to clean up an economy that has been inexorably built on fossil fuels on coal, oil and gasoline-powered automobiles. However, today big businesses do care about the future of the world if any measurable actions are not taken care, and executed. The first advantage of using green technology is that with the use of renewable resources future generations are not going to be threatening for the lack of natural and clean resources, like clean air and clean water. Implementing sustainable materials and methods that meet society needs in manners that do not deplete natural resources, guarantee the life of the planet. This new kind of technology brings the creation of sustainable materials that reduce the impact on the environment. These materials improve indoor air quality, energy efficiency, water conservation, and affordability. Talk about sustainable materials includes green buildings. The requirements that build green building includes energy efficiency, renewable energy water, water efficiency, environmentally building materials and specifications, waste reductions, toxics reduction,  indoor air quality and smart growth and sustainable development. Stated in (Energy in Green Building) buildings in United States involve 35 percent of direct energy use, of that 35 percent, 64 percent goes into heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; 24 percent heats hot water; 13 percent provides lighting; and electrical appliances are beginning to cut a significant wedge into the pie. In terms of carbon dioxide production, in total, buildings are responsible for 48% of all greenhouse gasses. Strategically placing windows and skylights can eliminate the need for electrical lighting during the day and reduce from 20 to 30 percent the energy use. The creation of sustainable materials is one of those challenges of the companies nowadays. In fact all the products of manufacturing companies need to have a conformity certification, and that guaranty to the costumer a product with quality. This is an job of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is one of the labs that awards manufactured products to be within the standards parameters, now is bestowing a sustainable materials certificate. Supplies such as pencils of reforested certified wood by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) assure people that this pencil was from a renewable resource, also the crayons made petroleum free. Environmentalists suggest using paper rolls and paper pad recycled. Also using paper bags from recycle paper helps the environment. Besides there are different supplies made from organic cotton that are free of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Eco friendly paints are a good option not only for the environment but also for the people that live in this house or apartment. Paint free of VOC will reduce the pollution in the house due to the poisonous gases that the paint gives off even when is dry, and cause an immense destruction to the environment. Another good decision is a cork floor is an inexpensive and durable material. Green technology has carried a lot of innovation of technology that does not affect the environment, and also has cause changes in patterns of production and consumption. Going green is also an advantage in a difficult economy when the recycle is place in practice, for example, According to NRDC, Bank of America reduced the weight of its ATM receipts from 20 pounds to 15 pounds, saving paper, transportation, storing and handling costs, to the tune of $500,000 a year. Coca-Cola’s efforts to cut down on packaging saved it $100 million. The use of renewable energy is economically and environmentally viable. In the United States, wind farms are going up across the nation, providing electricity at the competitive wholesale rate of three to five cents per kilowatt-hour (Energy in Green Building). Shell Oil estimated that for the â€Å"by 2010 commercial energy from biomass could provide five percent of the world’s power.† The value of that energy production could be over $20 billion. The environment pollution in the use of fossil fuels is causing sicknesses and diseases in the human health. â€Å"Air pollution is causing more deaths than HIV or malaria combined,† Kandeh Yumkella, director general of the U.N. Industrial Development Organization said. A 2012 World Health Organization (WHO) study found that 3.5 million people die early annually from indoor air pollution and 3.3 million from outdoor air pollution. Toxic particles shorten lives by causing diseases such as pneumonia or cancer. â€Å"Still, it means more than 6 million deaths every year caused by air pollution,† said Neira. â€Å"The horrible thing is that this will be growing† because of rising use of fossil fuels. On the contrary part green technology has some disadvantages. The first reason why no many people or industries choose green technology is for the highest production cost that this represents. Eco-friendly products need new research and technology that might be invested in the searched of new materials and ways of production that do not affect to the nature. The higher cost is due to the small amount of eco-friendly products on the market, so for the manufacturers complicated the cost-cutting. For example Consumer Search estimates that you will pay about $1,000 more for a furnace that’s 90 percent efficient than one that’s 80 percent efficient. Over the life of the furnace however, you will likely save much more than $1,000 in fuel costs if you choose the more efficient unit. According to MSN, a fuel-efficient vehicle costs up to $4,000 more upfront than vehicles with standard fuel efficiency. Even though more efficient vehicles can lower fuel costs for years and help protect the environment, many buyers are just not willing to invest in efficient (Cost of Going Green). Stated by Jon Kaplan, owner of Greenworks Cabinetry, a Florida company that manufactures eco-friendly furniture products, he must get many of his building materials from the West Coast and even Asia, which  leads to higher prices for the consumer. Since the 2008 a company named Nstar initiated a program that supplied energy coming from wind farms in Maine and upstate New York. At the beginning of the program customers decided to paid 1.4 cents more per kilowatt per hour, increase the price of the kilowatt from 12.5 to 13.9. At the beginning the number of customers was 8,368 customers in January 2010, but this number that decreased to 6,163 people using the NStar Green service. Some green alternatives like environment-friendly toiletries, wood furniture and organic materials cost more than non-green products. The use of bio-fuel can provide a number of advantages over conventional forms of energy. Meanwhile using fossil fuel increase the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and in the United States (GHG) represent about a third of total U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide, the use of bio-fuels can reduce significantly the greenhouse effect. On a full fuel-cycle basis, corn ethanol has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 52% over petroleum-based fuels using bio-fuels such as coal, natural gas, and biomass will reduce however this can represent a problem due to the raise of the prices of certain kind of food. Using food crops to produce ethanol will raise the nutritional problems (â€Å"Environmental Benefits of Bio-fuels†). According to the World Health Organization, nearly 60 percent of the people on earth are currently malnourished. This means that the use of corn for ethanol production will increase the price of the beef, eggs, white meat and fish. Pimentel States that the hungry problem rise in the mid –century from 8 to 9 million because the lack of food because it was burned more grain as fuel. Another fact that can be attributing to the use of bio-fuel is the inconsistence of some of the available renewable options of fuels is inconsistent. For example if it is wanted to produce energy from the wind, the space require to install wind turbines need to be large, this will reduce the space dedicated for harvest and food production, and cattle. Moreover there are certain places where the wind is not as good for energy production, as if the turbines are installed near the ocean, this will restrict the tourism growth, and at least 16 feet waves are required for the turbines’ efficiency. Wind energy is also noisy and that’s the reason why they are constructed in areas far away of human life. This is a threat to the wild life. The use of solar energy is very expensive and only works during the day. Photovoltaic batteries can be used,  but the price of them are increasing, and also the location of the solar panels is very important, so they must be installed in areas where the shadows of other buildings do not affect its efficacy. The third con of going green is in put up in green buildings. Likewise green buildings have a high cost in its construction, it is contradictory that the main purpose of it it is the money saving. Thus this is because most of the materials are not available in America, so the importations increase the price of them immediately. Nevertheless not only this, green buildings do not affect directly to the environment but for the people inside the building it does. This is because basically all the recycle materials used have harmful chemical products that emit toxins and affect the indoor air. For example the fluorescent lights used emit radiations which affect the health. Work Cited Beach, Emely â€Å"Cons of going green† Apr 29, 2011, Web. Apr. 17, 2013. Doyle, Alyster. â€Å"Air pollution scourge underestimated, green energy can help: U.N.† Web Apr 17, 2013 <> Walsh, Bryan. â€Å"The Surprisingly Long History of Green Energy† Apr. 06, 2011 The Disadvantages of Going Green for a Corporation by Chris Joseph, Demand Media The high cost of going green Premium for NStar wind program rises sharply BY: Bruce Mohl November 29, 2012 Greening Business

Friday, August 16, 2019

Health maintenance organizations Essay

There are nine private payer plans which include preferred provider organizations (PPO), health maintenance organizations (HMO), point of service (POS). Indemnity plans cost the most for employees and they usually have to choose a PPO plan. The new consumer driven health plan (CDHP) which a lot of people are picking, it has a high deductible combined with a funding option of some type. All of the plans have unique features for coverage of services and financial responsibility. PPO plans are the most popular plan that doctors, clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies contract with. One of the reasons that the PPO plans are so popular is because they pay the doctors a discounted fee for service based on their fee schedule. PPO plans offer a low premium that has a higher deductible or the other option is a high premium with a lower deductible. The patients are responsible to pay a copayment, and there is also a yearly deductible that the patient has to pay out of pocket. If a patient sees a doctor outside of the network without a referral, the plan will pay less and the patient is responsible for the remainder of the fee. Patients have their choice of providers, but if the patient goes to a out-of-network provider it will cost more. One thing to remember though is that all non-emergency services require pre-authorization. With HMO plans there is a list of providers that the patient can only go to, if they go to a doctor that is not in the list of providers they will have to pay extra. The only way that a patient should see a provider out of the network is if it is an emergency. HMO’s have an annual premium and a copayment that is due at the time of service. The main services the HMO’s cover is preventive and wellness checks and disease management. However, in order for complete coverage the enrollees must see a doctor that offers an HMO plan. The providers manage the care and referrals are required, low payments, ad this plan does cover preventative care. The indemnity plan allows the patient to see any physician but there are preauthorization’s required for some of the procedures. Their features are higher costs, there are deductibles, coinsurance payments, and preventative care is not usually covered. Consumer Driven Health Plans (CDHP) has two elements that are included in this plan. One being a health plan, which is normally a PPO. This plan has a higher deductible and lower premium. Second is the special savings account which is used to pay medical bills before deductible is met. Point of service (POS) is similar to an HMO plan; specifically called an open HMO. This plan reduces restrictions, allowing members to choose providers outside of the HMO. However, a penalty fee is charged.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Review on The Pursuit of Happyness Essay

The Pursuit of Happyness is a very moving film about a man and his quest for a better life. It is an inspiring case study of how many of the elements of happiness work together from relationships, to poverty, to positive mental attitude and determination. The movie is based on the true story of Chris Gardener, a struggling entrepreneur in 1980s San Francisco, with one driving ambition- to be a good father to his son. He tries to improve the family financial situation by purchasing and selling medical equipment, but the investment does not work out and the family sinks further into poverty. He sees his chance to make good after admiring a sports car on the street in the business district, where all the people seem happy. The car owner tells Chris he is a stock broker and anyone who is good with numbers and with people can be successful as a stock broker- even without a college degree. Chris uses his people skills and demonstrates the value of good relationships to get a chance at an internship where he must compete with 20 other candidates for 6 months for one paid position. His wife leaves him, he loses his apartment, bank accounts, credit cards, and has to spend time in jail, but all through it he is dedicated to keeping his son and pursuing his dream. The title, Pursuit of Happyness spelled with a y,comes from some graffiti at the daycare center and is also a reference to an essay written by a biracial man in the US shortly after the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson. The movie is beautifully acted by Will Smith and well written. It shows how people without money are often victimized and bullied by those who do have money and power. Yet Chris Gardener repeatedly demonstrates the importance of good relationships even with people who treat him badly. He shows the importance of knowing his strengths and using them, even in unconventional ways. His optimism turns into dogged determination as he demonstrates incredible persistence and creativity in his pursuit of happiness. The realism and emotional punch of the Christopher Gardner story makes this a moving and inspiring drama. Whether you are inspired to be grateful for your own circumstances or by the value of grace and determination, this movie is sure to show you something about happiness- its importance and how to get it. The Pursuit of Happyness teaches us a lot about the importance of virtues and strengths in our happy lives.

Referent and Expert Power

CNUR 833 Week 9 discussion question Summary Outline: Leadership Read the following chapter : Robbins, S. P. , Coulter, M. & Langton, M. (2009). Management (9th Canadian ed. ). Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall. Chapter 12 Review Week 9 Presentation (Found in Course Materials under Weekly Presentations) Focus on the following elements: 1. How leaders and managers differ. LEADERS †¢ Develop vision and long term objectives, plans strategy and tactics †¢ Exhibits leading Beauvoir. Acts to bring change in others congruent with long term objectives †¢ Innovates for the entire organization †¢ Asks what and why to change standard practice †¢ creates vision and meaning for the organization †¢ uses transformational influence: induces change in values, attitudes, behaviour using personal examples and expertise †¢ uses empowering strategies to make followers internalize values †¢ status quo challenger and change creator MANAGERS engages in day to day care taker activities, maintain and allocate resources †¢ exhibits supervisory behaviour : acts to make others maintain standard job behaviour †¢ administers subsystems within organizations †¢ asks how and when to engage in standard practice †¢ uses transactional influence: induces compliance in manifest behaviour using rewards, sanctions and formal authority †¢ relies on control strategies to get thing done by subordinates †¢ status quo supporter and stabilizer 2. How various theories improve our understanding of leadership? Trait theories- early research unable to find the difference leaders from non- leaders †¢ Later research on the leadership process identified 7 traits associated with successful leadership- drive, the desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, job-relevant knowledge, and extraversion †¢ Behavioural theories identified 3 leadership styles- 1. autocratic style- centralized authority, low participation 2. democratic style-involvement, high participation, feedback 3. laissez-faire style- hands -off management Leader behaviour Research findings mixed results- †¢ no specific style was consistently better for producing better performance †¢ employees were more satisfied under a democratic leader than an autocratic leader 4. How managers use power and trust to enhance leadership. For manager to lead, manger should have the leadership skill to empower and influence the team or individual to achieve organizational goals by building trust and using power effectively. There are 5 sources of leader power identified: POWER 1. Legitimate power and authority are the same. Leader in position power also likely to have reward and coercive power 2. Coercive power-leaders have the ability to punish or control e. g. employee’s suspension and demotion or assign unpleasant or desirable work to the workers. Followers react to the power out of fear and consequences for not compliance 3. Reward power- give positive benefits and rewards including anything that another person values e. g. money, favourable performance appraisals, promotions, interesting work assignments, friendly colleagues, and preferred work shifts or sales territories. . Expert power- influence based on expertise, special skills, or knowledge. Managers depend on employees’ expert to achieve the organization’s goals due to jobs have become more specialized. 5. Referent power-based on desirable resources or personal traits. Develop out of admiration of another and a desire to be like that person by modelling behaviour and attitudes after the individual DEVELOPING TRUST AND CR EDIBILITY TRUST include 5 dimensions 1. integrity- honesty and truthfulness 2. competence- technical and interpersonal knowledge and skills 3. onsistency- reliability, predictability, and good judgement in handling situation 4. loyalty- willingness to protect a person, physically and emotionally 5. openness- willingness to share ideas and information freely †¢ Honesty is the most important characteristic of admired leader †¢ Credible leaders are competent and inspiring †¢ Able to communicate effectively their confidence and competence and inspiration †¢ Trust and integrity are interrelated and interchangeable Post your views one the 2 discussion questions in the discussion threads. . Describe the differences between a transactional leader and a transformational leader. †¢ Transactional leaders is more of management leadership style by telling what they wanted the employees to do and give clear structure and expectation to their followers what is expected and required to do the job with full responsibility †¢ Reward for success of compliances and effort and punishment for failure to motivate employees to achieve short term goal and not long-term goal by increase their performance or productivity. Followers are expected to do the job as an order whether or not there are resources or capability to do it. Employees obey to do the assignment by negotiating a contract with benefits and incentive. †¢ This leadership style has least interest in changing the working environment and ineffective in promoting job satisfaction. Transformation leadership †¢ Defined as charismatic leaders of change agents who have confidence and belief in themselves by developing vision and putting their passion and energy to take care of their subordinates to success. with clear vision and direction leaders will be able to inspire their followers to buy into it in order achieve their common goal for the organization †¢ Some of the characteristics of transformation leader are enthusiasm, active and good listener, visible, build trust, persistent, keep up the momentum by motivating and rallying their followers, show followers their behaviours and attitudes the way every ones else should behave, commitment, celebrate with success, †¢ This type of leadership enables the leaders to transform organization as they are people oriented and success comes first. Transformational Leaders also tend to see the big picture, but not the details, which could cause failure and also their followers are kept going and may also cause them to give up. References: Robbins, S. P. , Coulter, M. & Langton, M. (2009). Management (9th Canadian ed. ). Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall. Transformation Leadership. Retrieved on 15-3-2010 from http://changingminds. org/disciplines/leadership/styles/transformational_leadership. htm 2. What types of power are available in your current nursing situation? Which types do you use most often and why? The types of powers most often used by nurses are expert power and referent power. This is because nurses have expert power as they possess skill and knowledge; professional specialized in nursing care that is relevant to the job or tasks. Public and patients look up on nurses for quality of care and health knowledge for their expertise. Thus nurses have the power to influence patients as well as team members by exhibiting trust, honesty, credibility, accountability and integrity. Nurses also have referent power being admired by patient, staff and students. Therefore those who admire nurses with referent power will be over power by the nurses and attempt to model behaviour and attitudes after them. This is because the followers believe the leader posses the quality that they would like to possess. Transactional Leadership 72 rate or flag this page By Edi Kurnik [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] [pic]A – Z of Leadership †¢ A – Z of Leadership How To Improve Your Leadership Skills By Using The Same Secrets Great Leaders Like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Alexander The Great Used To Inspire, Motivate and Persuade Virtually Anyone†¦ Related Hubs Leadership Styles †¢ Quotes on Leadership [pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic]Transactional Leadership Leadership style plays a crucial role in the development of an organization. Transactional leadership is of the leadership style that is often used by many companies. Transactional leadership believes that punishment and reward motivate people. This leadership also assumes that when people agree to do a particular assignment, a part of that agreement is that they give up all authority to their boss. The leader holds control and power over the subordinates. The main goal of the employee is to obey the orders of their managers. The idea is that when a subordinate takes up a job, he or she agrees to obey their manager totally. The ‘transaction' is the money or any other award that the company pays to its subordinates for their compliance and effort. The relationship between the subordinate and the leader becomes transactional. In transactional leadership the leader has the right to punish his or her subordinates if their performance is not according to the predetermined standard. Transactional leadership makes clear that what is equired and expected from their subordinates. It also mentions that subordinates will get award if they follow the orders seriously. Sometimes punishments are not mentioned but they are understood. In the early stages of transactional leadership, subordinate is in the process of negotiating the contract. The contract specifies fixed salary and the benefits that will be given to the subordinate. Rewards are g iven to subordinates for applied effort. Some organization use incentives to encourage their subordinates for greater productivity. Transactional leadership is a way of increasing the performance of its subordinates by giving them rewards. Transactional leadership is also called as ‘true leadership style as it focuses on short term goals instead of long term goals. In Transactional leadership, when the leader assigns work to its subordinates, then it is the responsibility of the subordinate to see that the assigned task is finished on time. If the assigned task is not completed on time or if something then punishment is given for their failure. But if they accomplish the task in time then the subordinates are given reward for successfully completing the task. Subordinates are also given award and praised for exceeding expectations. A subordinate whose performance is below expectation is punished and some action is taken to increase his or her performance. Transactional leadership has more of a ‘telling style'. Transactional leadership is based on the fact that reward or punishment is dependent on the performance. Even though researchers have highlighted its limitations, transactional leadership is still used by many employers. More and more companies are adopting transactional leadership to increase the performance of its employees. This approach is prevalent in real workplace. The main limitation of this leadership is that it assumes that people are largely motivated by simple rewards. Under transactional leadership, employees can't do much to improve job satisfaction. Transaction leadership has been ineffective in providing skilled employees to their organization. This style of leadership is least interested in changing the work environment. Experts do not recommend this approach. Transactional leadership focuses more on management of punishments and rewards. [pic]Rate it:   up   down Transactional Leadership Disciplines ; Leadership ; Leadership styles ; Transactional Leadership Assumptions | Style | Discussion  | See also Assumptions People are motivated by reward and punishment. Social systems work best with a clear chain of command. When people have agreed to do a job, a part of the deal is that they cede all authority to their manager. The prime purpose of a subordinate is to do what their manager tells them to do. Style The transactional leader works through creating clear structures whereby it is clear what is required of their subordinates, and the rewards that they get for following orders. Punishments are not always mentioned, but they are also well-understood and formal systems of discipline are usually in place. The early stage of Transactional Leadership is in negotiating the contract whereby the subordinate is given a salary and other benefits, and the company (and by implication the subordinate's manager) gets authority over the subordinate. When the Transactional Leader allocates work to a subordinate, they are considered to be fully responsible for it, whether or not they have the resources or capability to carry it out. When things go wrong, then the subordinate is considered to be personally at fault, and is punished for their failure (just as they are rewarded for succeeding). The transactional leader often uses management by exception, working on the principle that if something is operating to defined (and hence expected) performance then it does not need attention. Exceptions to expectation require praise and reward for exceeding expectation, whilst some kind of corrective action is applied for performance below expectation. Whereas Transformational Leadership has more of a ‘selling' style, Transactional Leadership, once the contract is in place, takes a ‘telling' style. Discussion Transactional leadership is based in contingency, in that reward or punishment is contingent upon performance. Despite much research that highlights its limitations, Transactional Leadership is still a popular approach with many managers. Indeed, in the Leadership vs. Management spectrum, it is very much towards the management end of the scale. The main limitation is the assumption of ‘rational man', a person who is largely motivated by money and simple reward, and hence whose behavior is predictable. The underlying psychology is Behaviorism, including the Classical Conditioning of Pavlov and Skinner's Operant Conditioning. These theories are largely based on controlled laboratory experiments (often with animals) and ignore complex emotional factors and social values. In practice, there is sufficient truth in Behaviorism to sustain Transactional approaches. This is reinforced by the supply-and-demand situation of much employment, coupled with the effects of deeper needs, as in Maslow's Hierarchy. When the demand for a skill outstrips the supply, then Transactional Leadership often is insufficient, and other approaches are more effective. See also Exchange principle, Transformational Leadership Transformational Leadership Disciplines > Leadership > Leadership styles > Transformational Leadership Assumptions | Style | Discussion  | See also Assumptions People will follow a person who inspires them. A person with vision and passion can achieve great things. The way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy. Style Working for a Transformational Leader can be a wonderful and uplifting experience. They put passion and energy into everything. They care about you and want you to succeed. Developing the vision Transformational Leadership starts with the development of a vision, a view of the future that will excite and convert potential followers. This vision may be developed by the leader, by the senior team or may emerge from a broad series of discussions. The important factor is the leader buys into it, hook, line and sinker. Selling the vision The next step, which in fact never stops, is to constantly sell the vision. This takes energy and commitment, as few people will immediately buy into a radical vision, and some will join the show much more slowly than others. The Transformational Leader thus takes every opportunity and will use whatever works to convince others to climb on board the bandwagon. In order to create followers, the Transformational Leader has to be very careful in creating trust, and their personal integrity is a critical part of the package that they are selling. In effect, they are selling themselves as well as the vision. Finding the way forwards In parallel with the selling activity is seeking the way forward. Some Transformational Leaders know the way, and simply want others to follow them. Others do not have a ready strategy, but will happily lead the exploration of possible routes to the promised land. The route forwards may not be obvious and may not be plotted in details, but with a clear vision, the direction will always be known. Thus finding the way forward can be an ongoing process of course correction, and the Transformational Leader will accept that there will be failures and blind canyons along the way. As long as they feel progress is being made, they will be happy. Leading the charge The final stage is to remain up-front and central during the action. Transformational Leaders are always visible and will stand up to be counted rather than hide behind their troops. They show by their attitudes and actions how everyone else should behave. They also make continued efforts to motivate and rally their followers, constantly doing the rounds, listening, soothing and enthusing. It is their unswerving commitment as much as anything else that keeps people going, particularly through the darker times when some may question whether the vision can ever be achieved. If the people do not believe that they can succeed, then their efforts will flag. The Transformational Leader seeks to infect and reinfect their followers with a high level of commitment to the vision. One of the methods the Transformational Leader uses to sustain motivation is in the use of ceremonies, rituals and other cultural symbolism. Small changes get big hurrahs, pumping up their significance as indicators of real progress. Overall, they balance their attention between action that creates progress and the mental state of their followers. Perhaps more than other approaches, they are people-oriented and believe that success comes first and last through deep and sustained commitment. Discussion Whilst the Transformational Leader seeks overtly to transform the organization, there is also a tacit promise to followers that they also will be transformed in some way, perhaps to be more like this amazing leader. In some respects, then, the followers are the product of the transformation. Transformational Leaders are often charismatic, but are not as narcissistic as pure Charismatic Leaders, who succeed through a belief in themselves rather than a belief in others. One of the traps of Transformational Leadership is that passion and confidence can easily be mistaken for truth and reality. Whilst it is true that great things have been achieved through enthusiastic leadership, it is also true that many passionate people have led the charge right over the cliff and into a bottomless chasm. Just because someone believes they are right, it does not mean they are right. Paradoxically, the energy that gets people going can also cause them to give up. Transformational Leaders often have large amounts of enthusiasm which, if relentlessly applied, can wear out their followers. Transformational Leaders also tend to see the big picture, but not the details, where the devil often lurks. If they do not have people to take care of this level of information, then they are usually doomed to fail. Finally, Transformational Leaders, by definition, seek to transform. When the organization does not need transforming and people are happy as they are, then such a leader will be frustrated. Like wartime leaders, however, given the right situation they come into their own and can be personally responsible for saving entire companies. See also Appeal principle, Bonding principle, Confidence principle, Pull, The Leadership Challenge Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectation. New York: Free Press. Bass, B. M. (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, (Winter): 19-31. Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Central America Essays - Nicaraguan Revolution, Free Essays

Central America Central America, just south of Mexico and North of Panama, consists of just six countries; Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Of those six, all share a distinct common history except for Belize. Belize for one is incredibly small, and while Spanish is the official language of other Central American countries, in Belize English is spoken. So throughout this paper as I carelessly say 'Central American' I am not including Belize whose history and development was far different than the others. Although Central America is located close to the United States in relation to the Eastern Hemisphere, our ways of life are indescribably different. When we discuss Poverty in the United States many of us, including myself, don't really know what 'poverty' is. It seems like only a select few are afflicted by it here and programs like Welfare and Food Stamps (with varying degrees of success) seem to lessen the effects. In Central America when one speaks about 'poverty' he/she is including a large proportion of the population. One measure of poverty is the earning power of an individual. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which is a measure of income is around $12,000 in the United States. In Central America on the other hand, the wealthiest Country, Costa Rica, came in at just under $2000. Distortion plays a role on the $2000 also, due to the fact the the elite-rich have an enormous concentration of wealth and land ownership, the real GDP of the poorer half of the population is around $200-$400 a year (Pg 10, Booth and Walker). Accompanying poverty or as a result is poor or unavailable education, health care, and an extremely bad job market. Government 'for the people and by the people is not present is Central America'. What is present is a corrupt military- big business conglomerate which cares little or none for the common people. The military is responsible for enforcement, which includes death squads, torture, and public execution. The big businesses who are able to extract an endless supply of 'minimum wage' labor, amass great wealth but instead of reinvesting it locally, most invest overseas or in capital intensive labor whereby local jobs are eliminated. Taking all this into effect and the fact that social classes and living conditions of many Central Americans are deteriorating rapidly leads some to rebellion. Some have taken a path of Passive rebellion. This can be seen in literature and popular music which questions the government. Others exercise their right to vote (even if it doesn't really matter because the results are fraudulently attained). For example, "the 1974, 1978, and 1982 presidential elections in Guatemala were all fraudulently manipulated by military regimes "(Pg 109, Booth and Walker). Others take a more active stance. During times of increased repression by the government many coalitions and reform-aimed organizations were formed. Many were actively involved in large-scale marches, labor strikes, and transportation boycotts. A little more on the radical side are the Guerilla groups. Composed mostly of peasants fed up with the government who see no other way than violence. This guerilla groups have special ties to the community. Many times they visit villages explaining their cause hoping to recruit new guerrillas. The typical guerilla varies from young to old, male to female. The Guerillas are a most important part of rebellions but they are not effective alone. Their effectiveness is increased greatly when they develop formal links with outside organizations and have strong popular support. An example of popular support occurred in Guatemala where peasants would fight alongside the guerillas, greatly increasing their number. The Catholic Church was activity involved in rebellion also. They helped to organize community and labor groups for the people (Christian base communities). These groups gave people the inspiration and mass power to combat the government. Although the Catholic clergy did not fight violently alongside the guerillas, their lives were at risk, and some were taken. A situation that combines all these ideas happened not too long ago in Nicaragua. All the hardships discussed earlier were present : extreme poverty, corrupt government, and worsening of conditions, driving many to rebellion. The early 70's was a time where, unions were repressed, wages were set by the military regime, inflation was 10%, and 13% of the working class was un/under employed (compared to 5-6% in the United States). This set the stage for the 1973-1975 'revitalization of labor movement' which included strikes, stoppages, and organization of labor unions. Christian Base Communities began to spring up, whose goal was better urban services and housing. This